

在遠古時代,我們稱之為上帝的這個至高源頭(Supreme Source) 創造了宇宙和宇宙萬物,包括所有物質、動物和植物、恆星、行星、星系,以及祂的得意傑作一人類。上帝一見到人類就生出了源源不絕的愛,那是一種對親生子女的愛;所以,自然會想把所能想到的最好禮物送給祂所寶貝的人類後代,那就是對於他們自身神性的記憶。於是,上帝這麼做了,而每一個人也都知道在人類的外殼之下,隱藏著上帝給予的終極之愛,活得開心又自在。這讓上帝更快樂了,祂坐回自己的寶座上,準備好好欣賞這場生命大戰。


「上帝,我們真的麻煩大了。祢讓人類知道了他們擁有真正的神性後, 祢知道發生什麼事了嗎?每當人類遇上挑戰或在關係上受挫時,就會聳聳肩說:等一下—我記得我跟萬有之源 (Source of All) 本是同根生啊?!既然這樣,我幹嘛還要去處理些意義的世俗事務呢?畢竟,我與上帝同在,我是純粹之愛,身上這個人類驅體只是暫時性的居所而已。這些人生劇本太煩人了,讓人筋疲力竭,為什麼我要費神去跟其他人建立關係呢?我只要坐在這裡,讓自己沉浸在無限的存在中就好了。』」


「嗯,這的確是個困擾,」上帝承認。創造的目的,是為了學習如何跨越人性的障礙,找到回神性的道路。我希望他們擁有宇宙中最珍貴的東西,那就是記住他們至高無上的本質就是愛。但這樣看起, 光記住這一點,會讓他們對塵世生活毫無興趣。



「這行不通, 」上帝答道,「人類擁有一項出色的特質,不管有多困難,只要他們下定決心都一定能完任務。所以,他們必定會想辦法攀上那些高山。」












資料來自芭芭拉.安吉麗思深愛覺醒1 愛就是一切:回到心之居所 P19-20


Here is a story for you about that journey home to the heart.

At the time before Time, the Supreme Source that we often call God created the Universe, and everything in it—all of the physical matter; the plants and animals; the stars, planets, and galaxies; and His masterpiece, the human beings. As soon as God saw the humans, He felt so much love for them, as you would love your own children, and so naturally, He wanted to give His precious human offspring the greatest gift He could think of, which was the remembrance of their own divinity. God made it so, and every human knew they were the ultimate love disguised in human form, and naturally they were all very happy. This made God happy, and He sat back, ready to enjoy the play of life.

God was just beginning to relax, when suddenly, a group of the higher lords, guides, and celestial creatures demanded an emergency meeting with Him:

“God, we have a real problem. You gave these human beings the knowledge of their true divine nature, and you know what’s happening? Every time one of them comes up against a challenge or hits a rough spot in their relationship, they say: ‘Wait a minute—don’t I remember being told that I am the same as the Source of All? If that’s so, then why should I have to deal with all this earthly nonsense? After all, I’m not really this human form I am living in. I’m one with God. I am pure love. These dramas are too annoying, not to mention exhausting. Why even bother having any relationships? I’ll just sit here by myself immersed in my own infinite presence.’”

“And that’s what they’re doing,” the Council members confessed. “One by one, the humans are deciding they don’t see the point of pretending they’re not God, and as soon as they do, they stop doing everything. They’re not learning any human lessons, they’re not growing, they’re not developing any compassion, and they’re not even speaking to each other. They’ve dropped out of the Cosmic Game.”

“Well, this is very disturbing,” God admitted. “The whole purpose of Creation was for these human beings to learn how to find their way through the obstacle course of their humanity back to their Divinity. I wanted them to have the most precious thing in the Universe, which is the remembrance of their true supreme nature as love. Yet it seems by remembering it, they have no interest at all in living an earthly life.”

“Well, this is very disturbing,” God admitted. “The whole purpose of Creation was for these human beings to learn how to find their way through the obstacle course of their humanity back to their Divinity. I wanted them to have the most precious thing in the Universe, which is the remembrance of their true supreme nature as love. Yet it seems by remembering it, they have no interest at all in living an earthly life.”

“This development calls for drastic measures. We are going to have to hide the secret of who they really are so that they won’t be able to easily find it, and they’ll be motivated to keep searching.”

 “I have an idea,” one of the divine beings said. “There are some really tall mountains on Earth. We could hide it there.”

 “That won’t work,” God replied. “Human beings have a wonderful quality of setting their minds to a task and accomplishing it no matter how difficult it may be. They will be resourceful and find a way to climb the mountains.” Another being suggested, “Hide it at the bottom of the sea. They can’t breathe under the water.”

 “They’re going to invent submarines,” God answered. “They’ll go down and they’ll find it.”

 “I’ve got it—hide it in outer space!” an Angel offered. “They can’t get off the planet.” God shook His head. “Sorry—I created them to be smart and infinitely clever. They’ll advance scientifically, and one day they’ll design ships that will fly all over the solar system.”

 “I know where you can hide it,” a soft voice offered. God looked up and saw a young female angel.

 “Yes, my dear?” God asked. “Where do you think we should hide the secret of who they are?”

 “Hide it deep within the human heart. They’ll never look for the divine love there.”

The content was retrieved from BARBARA DE ANGELIS, the Choice for Love, Chapter 1 Love Is All There Is Returning Home through the Exquisite Doorway of the Heart

資料整理者: 施郁麗 10.26.2022 image

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